Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Gospel

   "Take heed that no man deceive you." (Matthew 24:4)  Beware!!There is another gospel out there today! It is hideous in that it purports to be supported by the Bible.  Under the guise of scholarship there is a doctrine woven around rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) Question; Can the blood of Jesus Christ mean so little to these people that they would use God's Holy Bible in the King James Version to teach a systematic theology built around a heresy? They cling to an Old Testament Temple and an Old Testament people and act as though the death of Christ was only a prelude to future events with other methods of salvation offered. They falsely believe that the commandments of God constitute salvation by works, when in 1 John 3:22,23 (Matthew 22:36-40/Romans 13:8-10) it is clear that the Bible is speaking of a "New Commandment and a "new and living way."(John 13:34/Hebrews 10:20)     For more info contact Doug  by Phone: 850-449-3866    or by email at

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brother Lamb, I totally agree about the commandments of God versus the commandments of man. In Galations, a man crept in and was saying that the only way to be saved was by getting circumsized. Paul was rebuking those who believed they had to be circumsized, while in the same letter he told them no adulterer would inherit the Kingdom of God.

    It is not a sin to obey Jesus and the way of life he decribed to us in the sermon on the mount.

    By the way, I like the blog and your first post.

